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President's Message

Happy New Year to our WVSS不良研究所members!

As I look out at the snow-covered trees, I am thinking of spring! The WVSS不良研究所2025 spring scientific meeting will be Tuesday, March 11th at the West Virginia University Hospital Health Science North -2094 in Morgantown, WV starting at 5pm. We have two educational sessions planned with a break for refreshments between sessions. We hope that all WVSS不良研究所members will come to learn and network at this meeting.

Sessions for the Scientific Meeting

  1. Hemostasis and the Use of the Quantra Analyzer; presented by Pavithra Ellison, MD, Vice Chair and Professor of Anesthesiology& Pediatrics
    Review the Importance of hemostasis in surgery and laboratory results that provide information for necessary interventions with blood products.
  2. Laboratory Testing for Perfusionist Decision Making; Sean Lavelle, CCP – Director of Perfusion – Children’s Hospital; Helaina Teahan, CCP – Director of Perfusion – Ruby Memorial Hospital; and Christine Zacharia CCP – Regional Director of Perfusion, CCS Services
    Discussion of laboratory tests that are used by perfusionists to guide decision-making. Review the importance of blood gas analysis, coagulation results, and the use of the cell saver.

Visit the West Virginia Events Page for more details.

Melissa White, MLS, AHI
President, WVSSAMT

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