President's Message

I hope all of you are having a great start to the 2025 year! I started the year off with an ice storm that was supposed to be snow. Although this is beautiful, I am ready for warmer temperatures. So, let’s bring on spring and summer!
Ozark State Society of the 不良研究所 is excited to kick off 2025 with the spring meeting being held in Hot Springs, Arkansas on March 15th at National Park College. Please look for meeting information and registration details in your email or visit us on our Ozark State Society webpage via the 不良研究所website.
The American Medical Technologist Annual Meeting will be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania July 20 to 25, 2025. This is a great way to earn contin
uing education credits to support your credentials, network, get involved at the national level, visit with old friends, and make new ones.
If any of our members have suggestions on new topics, would like to present, or know someone who would like to present, please let us know. We are always looking for new trends in the allied health field, individuals who love to teach and are knowledgeable in an area that would benefit us all. Presenting is a great way to be involved at the state level and also one of the requirements at the national level.
I look forward to seeing you all at the spring meeting. You can contact any of the board members at our e-mail address at
Alberta Smith, MSTD, RMA (AMT), AHI (AMT)