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President's Message

Greetings from DC, DE & MD State Society

To all members of the State, I wish a wonderful calendar year 25-26.

Here we are, and it is March! Time waits for no one, and Spring is really around the corner. There are many happenings within our state society and AMT; check both websites. Our state society will hold its General Business & Scientific meetings on March 22; check our website for registration and additional information. Also, the National Meeting is in July in Pittsburgh, PA. Check the ²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëùwebsite for further information. It is because of you that we have a fantastic organization. You and your discipline and commitment to the healthcare field enable us to make advancements in research and development and cures for our communities. Attending our State Society scientific sessions or the National Meeting helps you to fulfill your required CEUs. Attending the meetings is one way to expand your networking capabilities.

The new goal for the year is to recruit as many members as possible for the State Society. That is why I am sharing this information from CCBC with all members:

  • CCBC offers credit for prior learning to students that carry the RMA (AMT), CMA (AAMA), CCMA (National Health Career Association), and NRCMA (NAHP), and just recently added NCMA (National Center for Competency Testing (NCCT).  Eligible students can get 24 credits toward the Allied Health degree.  The degree combines prior learning, general education, and leadership courses to provide a stackable credential toward upward mobility.  The credits are applied at no charge to students.

The DC, DE, & MD State Society is proud of the members who received awards recognition last year at the National Meeting: Robin Miliner, MLS and Debra Graber, RMA, AHI.

Members are encouraged to get involved in their State Society, sign up for services, earn CEUs, and engage in discussions regarding the future of their state. The future of the state depends on the members’ participation. 

There is still time to register for the Spring scientific meeting on March 22, 2025. I look forward to seeing you there and maybe at the National Meeting in Pittsburg, PA, July 20-25.

Regards, Ketlard Boursiquot, RMA (AMT)
DC, DE & MD State Society President