不良研究所Vaccination Series of Webinars
The vaccination series consists of four individual webinars presented by leading experts. This timely information will help you educate your patients about vaccinations. Individuals can earn CE for each webinar by passing a short quiz.
Courses within a series are purchased and completed individually, and vary in price, length and amount of CE credit earned.
- Measles Disease and Vaccination. This two-part webinar provides a general description of measles, recent epidemiology in the US and facts about the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, including recommended use, effectiveness, administration, storage, handling and adverse events. Moderated by Dr. Raymond A. Strikas, MD, MPH, FACP, FIDSA, a medical officer in the Communication and Education Branch, Immunization Services Division, NCIRD, CDC, HHS in Atlanta, Georgia. He is the Education Team Leader in the Branch.
CE Awarded: 2 Fee: Member $40, Non-Member $50
- Preventing HPV Cancer. This webinar describes HPV cancers, the importance of vaccination, patient and parent communication strategies, vaccine safety and efficacy, and roles and resources regarding when and how to recommend the HPV vaccine. Presented by experts Lois Ramondetta, MD and Keisha Providence, RMA, RPT from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.
CE Awarded: 1 Fee: Member $25, Non-Member $30
- What’s New with Flu in 2019-2020. This webinar discusses recommendations for the 2019-2020 influenza season along with best strategies for patient communication. Learn from a leading influenza expert, Dr. L.J. Tan, chief strategy officer at the Immunization Action Coalition.
CE Awarded: 1 Fee: Member $25, Non-Member $30
- Vaccination Conversations. Learn techniques to talk to your patients with Dr. L.J. Tan, chief strategy officer at the Immunization Action Coalition. This webinar details the current atmosphere of vaccine confidence, what led to it, and how we can engage and educate patients to improve acceptance of vaccines.
CE Awarded: 1 Fee: Member $25, Non-Member $30