CCP Audit Frequently Asked Questions


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CCP Audit Frequently Asked Questions

As a requirement of CCP, 不良研究所performs an annual random compliance audit of members who have advanced into a new three-year CCP cycle during the previous calendar year.  These annual audits are conducted in January as part of a systematic review to verify the compliance of randomly selected AMT-certified members through the validation of documented CCP points claimed in the prior certification cycle.

Q1: What is the Certification Continuation Program (CCP)?

A: The Certification Continuation Program (CCP) is a requirement to maintain 不良研究所certification. It is intended to aid certificants in keeping their skills and education up-to-date with current standards and practices. In addition, CCP requires 不良研究所certified members to document activities supporting the continuation of their certification every three years.

Q2: Why does 不良研究所conduct an Annual CCP Audit?

A: As a requirement of CCP, 不良研究所performs an annual random compliance audit of members who have advanced into a new three-year CCP cycle during the previous calendar year.

These annual audits are conducted in January as part of a systematic review to verify the compliance of randomly selected 不良研究所certified members through the validation of documented CCP points claimed in the prior certification cycle.

Q3: How are individuals selected for the CCP Audit?

A: A report of 不良研究所certified members marked as compliant with CCP and advanced to their next three-year cycle during the last calendar year is pulled from AMT’s member database. A random-generator program selects members from the list drawn for the audit.

Q4: What should I expect if I get randomly selected for the CCP audit?

A: Around mid-January, individuals selected for the CCP audit will receive an audit notice sent via USPS and email requesting the supporting documents necessary to validate their points claimed during their last 3-year CCP cycle.

Example: Current year is 2023; your last 3-year CCP cycle is 2019 to 2022.

Q5: When do I need to have all of my supporting documents submitted?

A: The deadline to submit documentation for the annual CCP audit is the last day of February of the year the audit is conducted. This provides you approximately 8 weeks to gather and submit proof of all CCP points claimed during your previous 3-year CCP cycle.

Example: Audit notice sent January 2023; deadline to submit documentation would be February 28, 2023.

Q6: How do I send my documents?

A: Audited members must submit a complete package containing proof of all continuing education claimed during their last 3-year certification cycle using .

Q7: Can I fax the documents?

A: Unfortunately, 不良研究所does not have a fax number and requires that all submissions are sent using .

Q8: I entered my points in AMTrax; what documents should I submit for the audit?

A: You MUST submit the documents showing proof of the points claimed as part of your last CCP cycle. Acceptable documents include certificates or transcripts of healthcare-related courses/training that you have completed during your last certification cycle. All documentation of CCP activities MUST include all the following information to validate the points:

  • The name of the organization/CE provider
  • The title of the course/training
  • The date of completion/activity
  • The amount of credit awarded (e.g., CEU, CME, contact hour, or credit hours)

Note: If any of the information listed above is missing, we will not be able to validate your points, and your documents will be deemed unacceptable and rejected.

DO NOT submit documentation for courses completed through the 不良研究所Learning Center, such as STEP articles. 不良研究所has already verified these activities and applied them to your CCP requirement.

Review the CCP Guidance Document for additional details on acceptable forms of documentation and the number of points you can claim for each CCP category.

Q9: I used employment in addition to CEs for my points. How can I show proof of my employment?

A: Verification of points claimed through employment must be submitted using the CCP Employment Verification Form.

Please refer to the CCP Employment Change FAQ for information on changes impacting the maximum number of points you may claim through employment for CCP credit.

Q10: I submitted my documents for the CCP audit; how long does it take to receive a response?

A: Please do not contact 不良研究所to determine the status of the audit. 不良研究所will inform you of your status once the CCP audit process is complete, which may take up to 8 weeks after the deadline of the last day of February of the current year.

After reviewing your documents, 不良研究所will notify you via email whether you have passed or require additional documentation. If further documentation is needed, 不良研究所will ask you to submit ALL the necessary documents (at once) within 48 hours of the date of the email. This will be considered your “final” submission determining whether you passed or failed the CCP audit.

Q11: What happens if I fail to submit proof of my points?

A: If you do not submit the proof of your points, submit documentation deemed unacceptable, or do not submit any additional documentation requested within the timeframe specified, you will be considered non-compliant and fail the CCP audit. Failing the CCP audit will result in your certification being rescinded (decertified).

Q12: Whom should I contact if I have any additional questions regarding the CCP Audit?

A: Please email the Certification Experience Audit Team at

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