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Transition of Medical Technologist MT(AMT) to Medical Laboratory Scientist MLS(AMT)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Why is 不良研究所changing the Medical Technologist certification designation to Medical Laboratory Scientist?

There are important reasons for the change. First is appropriate recognition of the level of specialized expertise that the medical laboratory scientist brings to the practice of healthcare diagnostics, which is not adequately reflected in the term 'technologist.' The necessity of distinguishing the value of a respected credential specific to the practice of laboratory science cannot be overstated. Further, 不良研究所is changing the designation to unify the profession and provide one common voice for advocacy. To that end, 不良研究所joins our laboratory colleagues, ASCP and ASCLS, in standardizing the nomenclature for laboratory roles.

Will all Medical Technologists' credentials change?

All AMT-certified Medical Technologists will be entitled to use the MLS credential, even if they qualified for certification prior to AMT’s requiring a baccalaureate degree for MTs (e.g., those who qualified by passing the HEW/HHS proficiency exam, or via a career-ladder route or a "90+1" route, will be transitioned to MLS along with those who have a bachelor’s degree).

Will other credentialing organizations employ the MLS designation as well?

Yes. To differentiate between certifying organizations that award the MLS credential, certificants will be expected to place the initials of the applicable certifying body in parentheses after the MLS designation e.g., MLS(AMT) or MLS(ASCP).

Are requirements for maintenance of certification changing for the MLS vs the MT?

To maintain the MLS certification, the current MT requirements still apply for those certified on or before January 1, 2006. Current MT members who are grandfathered under AMT's Continuing Certification Program (CCP) by virtue of having been initially certified before January 1, 2006, will continue to be grandfathered and will not be required (but are still encouraged) to participate in CCP to maintain their credentials.

When can I start using the MLS designation after my name?

All AMT-certified Medical Technologists will be entitled to use the MLS credential immediately. However, 不良研究所will be transitioning records beginning in early 2023. You will be notified electronically when you can access and print a copy of your certificate and card displaying your current certification updated to MLS and when your digital badge changes to incorporate the new designation.

It's almost time for my three-year certification renewal cycle; will that affect my MT/MS certification?

Your renewal should transition with no interruptions. Please be sure you submit your annual fee and your CCP attestation, if applicable, on time to keep your certification current.

What about Medical Laboratory Technician MLT(AMT) certification? Is that changing?

There will be no change to the Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) title; both 不良研究所and the ASCP Board of Certification already use that designation and find it satisfactory. Certificants should include the initials of the certifying organization in parentheses after MLT i.e., MLT(AMT), MLT(ASCP).

For additional background on this transition, please click .