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Virtual CE Conference Blog


不良研究所is holding Virtual CE Sessions for members to expand their allied health knowledge and earn CE credits.

The virtual sessions will take place between Monday, Sept. 9 at 7:00 AM CST to Friday, Oct. 11 at 11:59 PM CST.

Pre-register for the Full Conference or specific Tracks by Sept. 8 at 11:59 PM CST. Each session is worth 1 CE credit. Session videos must be viewed in their entirety to earn credit.

Virtual CE Conference

CE Hours 

# of Sessions 

Member Price 

Non-Member Price

Full Conference includes:  

  • General sessions 
    • Session 1: Influence, Impact & Empower
    • Session 2: Own Your Dream
  • Medical assisting sessions
  • Laboratory sessions 
  • Phlebotomy sessions 
  • Leadership and development sessions 
  • Allied health instructor sessions 





Medical Assisting Track

Session 1: Triage Then and Now, Handling Mass Casualties in Today's World

Session 2: What do the Nails Say: Disorders and Diseases Associated with the Fingernail

Session 3: Virtues of Programmatic Accreditation

Session 4: DVTs and PEs

Session 5: Doughnut Holes and How to Fill Those Gaps

Session 6: Patient Information Charting Mistakes and the Consequences

Session 7: What You Need to Know about Kidney Stones



Laboratory Track  

Session 1: Are You Sure You Are Safe? Preventing Workplace Acquired Infections

Session 2: Handling Those Tricky Specimens: Case Studies in Hematology

Session 3: Delayed Hemolytic Transfusion Reactions: It's More Common Than You Think



Leadership & Professional Development Track 

Session 1: Emotional Intelligence for Healthcare

Session 2: Demonstrating Leadership: Leading a High-Performance Team

Session 3: Hidden Disabilities in the Workplace: Unveiling Diversity and Inclusivity



Phlebotomy Track

Session 1: Getting a Good Sample on the First Try

Session 2: Navigating the Challenges in Phlebotomy Collection

Session 3: Pediatric Phlebotomy: Across the Ages



Allied Health Instruction Track

Session 1: Teaching in Health Sciences

Session 2: Measurement, Assessment, and Improvement of the Brain's Synaptic Plasticity

Session 3: The Educator’s Toolbox: How to Use Formative Assessments to Engage Students at the Start of Each Lesson





For those interested in community collaboration and networking, join the Virtual CE Conference Community time slots below from Monday, Sept. 9 to Wednesday, Sept. 11. The sessions below and all track sessions will be available to view until Friday, Oct. 11 at 11:59 PM CST.


Time (CST)

Monday, Sept. 9

Tuesday, Sept. 10

Wednesday, Sept. 11

7:00-8:00 AM

General Sesson I


8:15-9:15 AM

Medical Assisting


Leadership & Professional Dev.

9:30-10:30 AM

Medical Assisting


Leadership & Professional Dev.

10:45-11:45 AM

Medical Assisting


Leadership & Professional Dev.

11:45 AM-12:30 PM




12:30-1:30 PM

Medical Assisting

General Session II

Allied Health Instructor

1:45-2:45 PM

Medical Assisting


Allied Health Instructor

3:00-4:00 PM

Medical Assisting


Allied Health Instructor

4:15-5:15 PM

Medical Assisting


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