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The “Ins” of Leadership

Leadership involves a clear vision, sharing that vision with others, and providing the in-formation, knowledge and methods to realize that vision, and coordinating and balancing the conflicting interests of all members and stakeholders. Learn about several qualities that are vitally important for a leader to be successful.

Dr. Paul C. Brown

By Dr. Paul C. Brown, Sr., MT(AMT), CLT(HHS), From the March 2019 оEvents magazine.

According to the Business Dictionary, leadership involves establishing a clear vision, sharing that vision with others so that they will follow willingly, providing the information, knowledge andmethods to realize that vision and coordinating and balancing the conflicting interests of all members and stakeholders.


There are several qualities I think that are vitally important for a leader to be successful. The first of which I call attention to is inspirational. Inspirational — to offer something valuable and uplifting which motivates others to bring out the best in themselves. To be inspirational is to lead by example and encourage others to feel there is something worthwhile to become and do. Inspiration itself means the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something,especially to do something creative. This essential trait is integral to a leader bringing innovative ideas in order to motivate the group to fulfill its mission.


A second quality that should be manifested by a leader is instructional. Instructional — giving detailed information about how something should be done or operated. Some other terms to define this trait are tutoring and coaching. The leader should invest time and make certain that the staff receives first class training in order for the mission to be accomplished. There are many innovative ways and means to provide training. Employees following the standard operating procedures (SOP’s) will guarantee that required steps are performed according to established criteria. Therefore, it would be beneficial for leaders to ensure that all personnel have reviewed and signed off that they have read and understand the SOP’s within the workplace.


Let me now discuss the third quality of leadership which is insight. Insight — the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing. When you gain insight, you are using your intuition, or sixth sense. Insight is formed from the prefix “in” and the English word “sight.” So this word literally means seeing inward. Insight, for example, is sometimes called an epiphany, an “aha” moment when a solution to a problem presents itself suddenly. The leader who employs insight properly will provide the necessary component for his or her team to be successful in problem-solving.


Fourthly, informative, is also an integral trait that needs to be shown by a leader. Other words describing this trait are illuminating, enlightening and revealing. Staying abreast of changes, new information or current events will be an asset to the leader. The aim would be to help his team become more enlightened by remembering the information that is presented. I say to the leader, stay informed because knowledge is power.


Lastly, the leader needs to employ the quality of being a person of integrity. Integrity — exemplifying honesty and possessing strong moral uprightness. It is perhaps the most important principle of leadership. Leadership is dependent on integrity because it demands truthfulness and

honesty. One must tell the truth, even if it is unpleasant. It is unquestionably and unequivocally central to the mission’s success. One should never underestimate the power of integrity.


The leader who does not employ the “INs” of leadership will become ineffective in pursuing excellence. It is absolutely imperative and of the utmost importance for inspiration, instruction, insight and integrity to be woven in the fabric of a leader’s character.

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