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Supporting Ukraine

As an association of allied health professionals, 不良研究所shares concern for those affected by the current crisis in Ukraine. In times of humanitarian emergencies, acts of compassion and generosity can make a huge difference. Therefore, 不良研究所has made a donation to the American Red Cross. 

There are dozens of organizations working directly in Ukraine, or active in nations that border on Ukraine, to provide aid to Ukrainian refugees. If you are looking to support those affected by the war in Ukraine, consider donating directly to the following organizations.

  • - The American Red Cross has deployed international crisis responders to Poland, Moldova, Hungary and Romania to provide humanitarian relief in support of the international Red Cross operation helping families who fled their homes. These highly trained crisis responders are supporting on-the-ground relief efforts alongside local teams, including the Polish Red Cross, Moldovan Red Cross and Romanian Red Cross.
  •  - UNICEF has been working across eastern Ukraine to provide medical aid, food, and psychological support to an entire generation of children that has been traumatized by violence with Russia. 
  • - CARE has been a prominent humanitarian organization since its inception during World War II. Now, it's devoted to providing Ukrainians with immediate aid, with a particular focus on distributing food, hygienic materials, clean water, and cash assistance. They also provide psychosocial services to survivors. 
  • - Mila Kunis and her husband, Ashton Kutcher, have pledged to match up to $3 million in donations to help refugees fleeing her native country. The Hollywood couple launched this GoFundMe campaign with the goal of raising $30 million for Flexport.org and Airbnb.org, which, they said, are “two organizations who are actively on the ground providing immediate help to those who need it most.” 
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